Did you know that beets are full of nutrients and vitamins? According to the American Heart Association, using beet juice or powder will help to lower blood pressure. Beets are also very high in iron.   A great way to add beets to your diet is to mix beet powder in with your other foods. Here are some great ways to incorporate beet root powder into your diet.

5 Great Uses For Beet Root Powder

  1. beet root powderUse it in smoothies. One teaspoon is equal to one beet.
  2. Add it to your tomato sauce for great color and extra nutrition.
  3. Mix it in your applesauce. It adds a beautiful color to this food and is a great way to sneak in some extra iron for your picky eater kids.
  4. Mix it with your pancake mix to create beet root pancakes. Pinkish red pancakes are pretty to look at and fun to eat!
  5. Add it to your red velvet cake in place of food coloring. It will add beautiful color in a natural way.

The more beet root powder you add, the deeper the color.