I recently had the opportunity to speak with a MySpicer customer on the phone.  During our conversation he mentioned to me how much he loves our spice blends.  He enjoys entertaining and has parties often.  He told me that attendees at his parties offer rave reviews of his delicious meals because they are so full of flavor.  It really is amazing what our spice blends can do to enhance your cooking. We have worked hard on balancing and blending the ingredients in our spice blends so the flavors are just right.

He shared with me that he secretly takes credit for the spice ingredients but wanted me to know that we are simply the best.  He said our blends awaken the taste buds and make the whole meal taste better.  Such a nice compliment and I do thank him for this.

Is MySpicer your secret too?

If yes, the next time you go to buy your secret blend instead of buying a pound, buy 5 pounds.  Put it in baggies and share the love with your friends.  You can take all of the credit and we will never tell!

My Favorite Spice Blends

Ancho Rib Rub

Garlic Pepper

Montreal Steak Seasoning

BBQ Spice