Do Spices Go Bad?A question we receive often at MySpicer is, “Do spices go bad?”

When properly stored, spices will not go bad in terms of becoming rancid or spoiled.  It is quite rare for a spice to go bad. However, spices do have a shelf life because they lose potency and flavor over time.

Here are some general guidelines for the shelf life of spices:

Spice and Herbs Storage Guidelines
Ground Spices: 2-3 years 
Whole Spices: 3-4 years 
Herbs: 1-3 years 
Seasoning Blends:  1-2 years

Here are some tips to help keep your spices fresh for as long as possible.

How Can I Tell if My Spices Need To Be Replaced?

Using your own senses of taste, sight and smell are the best method. Put some in your mouth and if you don’t get much flavor it is time to replace.   Take a close look and if you notice the spices are not quite as vibrant and the color has faded this also might be a good clue that is it time to replace.   Take a sniff and make sure it has a nice aroma.  If you don’t smell anything, it is time to replace.

Make sure to store your spices in an air-tight container in a cool, dry, dark location for best freshness.